Tis’ the season for thanks and giving.
Having filled my belly with yummy food and expressed my thanks for having such a wonderful family and loving the great food I had, it’s time to turn my thoughts to giving.
I took a look around at the various food charities and what they are offering, and came up with a list of my favorite food charities.
They are:
1. UNICEF… Here is the link to the page I recommend.
2. Drs. without Borders. They distribute a shelf stable supplement especially made for children in starving areas of the world.
3. Salvation army. Very reputable and can be found online for donations.
4. Action against hunger. Always a good bet.
5. Heifer international. My personal favorite… For the $120 donation, they will buy a milking goat for a poor family anywhere in the world.
Here’s a link to a company that provides shelfstable organic 2% milk and will ship it to a local food shelter or metropolitan area food Bank.
As always, if you have any questions about this or other nutrition related topics, feel free to contact me on my website contact page.