Before I tell you about the wonderful benefits of oatmeal, I go on a rant about Balance of Nature vitamins. The first and perhaps only thing you need to know… Is that there are no nutrients listed on the label because there are no nutrients in that bottle. For $100 per month, you get only practice swallowing big pills.
Historically, oatmeal was a treatment for adult onset diabetes. More recently, researchers decided to study the actual change in the blood sugar numbers. They were pleased to find out that the results were even more promising than they anticipated. A short video describing these findings can be found here.
A meta-analysis (grouping of many studies on the same subject) of the metabolic effects of oatmeal in diabetic patients was published in the Journal, Nutrients.
The Canadian Journal of diabetes published another study showing dramatically improved blood sugar control on a plant-based diet with plenty of oatmeal. The results can be found here.
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